Why Pride is the Deadliest Sin | Week 7
August 6, 2023
Pastor Joe Nepodal
Why Greed is Toxic to Our Souls | Week 6
July 30, 2023
Pastor Joe Nepodal
Why is Gluttony a “Deadly Sin”? | Week 5
July 23, 2023
Pastor Joe Nepodal
Why is Lust Such a Problem? | Week 4
July 16, 2023
Pastor Joe Nepodal
Is the Sin of Sloth Still a Problem Today? | Week 3
July 9, 2023
Pastor Joe Nepodal
Why is Anger so Problematic? | Week 2
July 2, 2023
Guest Speaker: Jason Albert
How Do I Deal with Envy? | Week 1
June 25, 2023
Guest Speaker: Ben Gietzen